The Gaia Zine

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Creative Writing: You and Me

You and Me

Remember the time we used to talk all day, no matter what day or month, no matter what topic. When meeting you was a routine. I can’t think of any subject we haven’t talked. Standing outside the tuition or even in the class, whenever we met, we always talked. Though we are not siblings but we felt like one.

Thinking of those time makes me cry, what happened to us, the distance we have now never existed. Out of sudden we are nothing to each other. Everyone asked the same question and answer were same too, we thought other’s world will make a difference, but look at them now they created this distance, we never wanted. Finding gems and diamonds are easier than finding friends like you. Why does being a friend with a boy always raised question? Why every time I mentioned you, they give me looks like we are couples.
We started distancing ourselves so no one could say something to us, talking stopped, sending relatable memes stopped, we passed each other without glancing.

We went from making different pact to being just a classmates. It’s been months now but we never talked like before. No laughing over something we said. But the question never stopped, same question and same answer are still given, but now it irritates me and annoy me thinking even if stopped talking, they didn’t stopped. We lost our special unique relation over some mere question. Was it worth it? We see each other every day at school and tuition but we ignore. People always notice us talking but they never saw it when we stopped talking.