Award Winners

Best Editing: Torrent by Aidan Kiyashka

Best Preformances: Static Room by Alice Jokela

Best Story: My Cat Garfield by Marceline Keedle

Best Documentary: Behind the Bulldog by Elliot Riseman

Best Directing: A Tribute to the Starry-Eyed Girl by Zoe Epperson

Best Experimental: Where The Wild Things Are by Giulia Biglia

Best Animated Film: Excoriación by Eva Iglesias Loren

Best Production Design: Greymens by Uddeshya Shrivastava

Best Screenplay: The Past, Tonight with Mars Apollo by Joshua Afiriyie, Tira Olkdari

Impact Award: 49 385 by Helena Stañczyk

Best Cinematography: How Do Students Feel While At School by Ramona Haywood

Best in Show: Lighter by Jinho Ka