Movie Review: Die Hard

I've got to admit, I only really watched this movie because of the (many, many) references in Brooklyn 99. And I got thinking, is Die Hard really that good? So, I gave it a watch, guided by the many, many Jake Peralta jokes that I had grown accustomed to. And I've got to say, this is the action movie that paved the way for all future action movies.

I usually have an aversion to Christmas movies as they all tend to turn into cheesy rom-coms but this was pretty awesome. And I think the reason for that is because that even though it was Christmassy where it mattered, the plot didn't completely revolve around it.

I've got to admit, most of it was guns and explosions and there was very little plot to go off of besides a pretty traditional three-act structure, but it was still pretty damn entertaining. And you know it's a good movie when about 90% of it was guns and blood and explosions and the other 10% was Bruce Willis saying badass things and crawling through vents in an ever-disintegrating tank top, and you still enjoyed it.

There was never a still moment in this movie. Unlike most times where I just end up getting bored of the CGI-fest explosions, I was actually pretty captivated through the entire runtime. The ending is predictable, but it's nice. Not all movies have to be intellectual masterpieces. Sometimes you just need to switch your brain off a little and watch Bruce Willis kick ass.

So, Jake of B99 was right. I mean, it's badass, Bruce Willis has the best one-liners, you have cool explosions. There's not too much more I could say about this movie. Yippie kayak, other buckets.


Movie Review: Mission Impossible


Wind and Sea